ISH Monthly Masterclass – Hypnotherapy for grief process – 16 febbraio 2022

ISH Monthly Masterclass – Hypnotherapy for grief proces

By Consuelo Casula

Date: 16th February 2022

Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm CET



In this pandemic year, several patients have had to face a variety of losses: separations, loss associated with illness, and deaths. The workshop will present different hypnotic techniques based on the type of loss the patient has. Some techniques help integrate the loss of a loved one into the current life and maintain the connection with the person who has been missing. Other hypnotic techniques help individuals cope with the complex processing of losses caused by separations and divorce. Still others help to deal with a perceived betrayal of the body that has developed a chronic illness. For each case presented during the workshop, the underlying theory will be explained, and hypnotic applications of grief processing will be illustrated.

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